Terrific writeup. one aspect that may get missed by vaccine critics is that "vaccine hesitancy" is here explained in quantified fashion, i.e. so-called "antivaxxers" were often such due to observation of the effects of vaccines on friends and family.

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I'd like to give you a preemptive "Congratulations" on a good article that earned the mention of Steve Kirsch (who mentioned this article).


I say "preemptive" because I haven't yet fully read each word, but a quick glance shows that it's well-structured and pulls in supportive data.

I'll have to come back later and give this article the time it deserves.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by John Smith

In my own experience in Silicon Valley have noticed seven affected physically mentally or spiritually (moderate to life threatening) - and four sudden deaths.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by John Smith

Steve Kirsch substack brought me here. Thank you!

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With great thanks to Steve Kirsch and John Smith for all of their great work. Here is our first summary.


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The highest bar in the chart being unpoisoned people is interesting. However, I think the brain plate scraping “pcrtest”/infection vector has caused some effects similar to jabs due to the evidence shown in the documentary Blue Truth.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

The study was retracted. I wonder why...

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My spouse suffered a brain bleed 42 days after receiving the Janssen vaccine. He spent 5 days in the Traumatic Brain Injury Unit at the University of Maryland. He was in great health for a 78 year old man. To their credit, he did receive a call from the folks at the FDA asking about his recovery. I took enough biology and read enough research to know it was not wise to participate. This is a great article. What stuns me is the continued push to administer more of this poison. This has to stop and those hiding the financial motivation must be prosecuted. I pray that happens.

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