Terrific writeup. one aspect that may get missed by vaccine critics is that "vaccine hesitancy" is here explained in quantified fashion, i.e. so-called "antivaxxers" were often such due to observation of the effects of vaccines on friends and family.

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Thank you Dr. Benoit. I didn't want to clutter the article, but in my own experience, I quickly witnessed friends and colleagues changed by the covid-19 vaccines when they were rolled out. The most mild yet still concerning widespread effect I noticed was forgetfulness that they never had demonstrated before. It was quite eerie given I saw it in many. One of the worst was a diagnosed costochondritis in a healthy athletic man.

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I used to suffer from forgetfulness, but I can't remember when that was. :)

On a serious note I spoke the last week to a man at the spa my wife and I attend. He was reasonably healthy, He said he had a heart attack earlier last year. Of 5 friends he knew in their 50's, 2 had died of heart attacks, the others had acquired heart issues. All had been vaccinated and I understand reasonably healthy/athletic.

I pointed out the issues re vaccines briefly so he should avoid them all being well.

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Found this on the twitter feed of someone I read regularly:

"i have taken ALL the big pharma 'vaccines' that i will ever take, ergo, i can truthfully reply to any questions that i am "fully vaccinated".

And no, i don't care to discuss details."

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Interestingly"fully vaccinated" is anagram of 'accident flu val y' which is possibly why the authorities blame things nowadays on anything but the vax.

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There are those that say that the vaxx causes prions in the brain. Check out the terrifying work of researcher Walter M. Chesnut:


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I didn't get a chance to read it yet, but a paper by Luc Montagnier was published after he died, concerning covid-19 vaccines and prions: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/66

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Yeah, there seems to be a risk for prions in certain people. I know of three elderly people who are vaxxed/boosted who have had their senility/ dementia increase to increase dramatically after the shots. My guess is it's prions.

That's what's so demonic about this. Some people die suddenly. Some get cancer. Some get blood clots. Some get Bell's Palsy. Some get shingles. Some have neurological issues. Some have no problems at all. So it's not necessarily easy to trace it back to the vaxx unless your eyes are open.

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Yes I observed the same thing re: dramatic increase in senility. And the sheer variation of horrible side effects is so staggering I almost can't believe it at times.

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Indeed so, what I might call the blindingly obvious observation that people get vaccines and people fall ill thereafter, cause and effect.

I realised the 'flu vaccines prior to 2020 were pointless because I observed people still got the 'flu so what was the point.

Sadly I did not take it further to look at all vaccines until the Covid 19 insanity struck. With 2 months solid research Apr/May 2020 I got there at last.


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I was just speaking about this with my friend. Luckily for us that we only got the flu, after getting the flu vaccine - and that was the end of our forays with the flu vax. I think getting the covid vaccine would present too many additional unpleasant surprises, in addition to repeated bouts of covid.

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I'd like to give you a preemptive "Congratulations" on a good article that earned the mention of Steve Kirsch (who mentioned this article).


I say "preemptive" because I haven't yet fully read each word, but a quick glance shows that it's well-structured and pulls in supportive data.

I'll have to come back later and give this article the time it deserves.

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Thanks DK!

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In my own experience in Silicon Valley have noticed seven affected physically mentally or spiritually (moderate to life threatening) - and four sudden deaths.

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Update: one of them might be fentanyl related, but the rest remain sudden deaths / died suddenly.

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Steve Kirsch substack brought me here. Thank you!

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Thanks mauvi for checking it out!

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With great thanks to Steve Kirsch and John Smith for all of their great work. Here is our first summary.


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The highest bar in the chart being unpoisoned people is interesting. However, I think the brain plate scraping “pcrtest”/infection vector has caused some effects similar to jabs due to the evidence shown in the documentary Blue Truth.

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Sorry if it was unclear - that highest bar actually corresponds to unvaccinated people reporting on the rate of side effects among their vaccinated social circle people. So it'd be like me (unvaccinated) reporting on the vaccinated people I know who had an adverse event. In this case it looks like the unvaccinated seemed to notice more side effects in their social circle. Perhaps they are overly attributing things to the vaccine, or they are more carefully noticing health issues in their vaccinated peers.

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thanks for clarifying. and yeah that's the question. are we more open eyed, truth seeking, and seeking patterns and observing reality, or simply not lost in the matrix/tv/netflix/sports/whatever, or both? our RAS is activated to seek out jabnormalities.

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Lol Jabnormalities - first time I heard that one but it's perfect. I think I prefer it over "vaxxidents".

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The study was retracted. I wonder why...

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My spouse suffered a brain bleed 42 days after receiving the Janssen vaccine. He spent 5 days in the Traumatic Brain Injury Unit at the University of Maryland. He was in great health for a 78 year old man. To their credit, he did receive a call from the folks at the FDA asking about his recovery. I took enough biology and read enough research to know it was not wise to participate. This is a great article. What stuns me is the continued push to administer more of this poison. This has to stop and those hiding the financial motivation must be prosecuted. I pray that happens.

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