Japanese professor files lawsuit against Ministry of Health regarding vaccine safety and efficacy!
Masanori Fukushima (福島雅典), professor emeritus at Kyoto University in Japan, has filed a lawsuit against the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW).[i]

The lawsuit seeks the following:
The disclosure of all safety and efficacy data of the covid-19 vaccines, submitted by Pfizer and Moderna to the MHLW and the PMDA (Japanese pharmaceutical and medical device regulation agency similar to the FDA)
Full disclosure of the contracts between Japan and the pharmaceutical companies (i.e., Pfizer, Moderna, etc.)
Compensation for those injured by the covid-19 vaccines
Professor Fukushima has over 25 years of experience as an oncologist, and is also the Director and Chairman of the Translational Research Informatics Center in Japan, which is the first academic center in Japan dedicated to transforming basic medical research into clinical practices. He also became involved in pharmacoepidemiology (the study of interactions between drugs and human populations) since 2000.

In November 2022, Professor Fukushima had previously hosted a discussion with other doctors and professors where he condemned the Japanese MHLW for ignoring the dangers of the covid-19 vaccines. Professor Fukushima had demanded investigations into all covid-19 vaccine injuries in a thorough case by case evaluation of medical records. He also warned of the indefinite production of spike proteins via the covid-19 vaccines, as well as the side effects due to lipid nanoparticles.

Then in December 2022, Professor Fukushima had stated in an interview his intention to sue the Japanese government because its refusal to disclose vital information regarding the efficacy of the covid-19 vaccines.
Which brings us to the current situation where on February 2nd 2023, Professor Fukushima held the press conference for his lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court.
In addition to the lawsuit demands previously mentioned, he also warned that additional lawsuits may be filed if the Japanese MHLW does not acknowledge a causal link between the vaccine and their associated deaths.
Professor Fukushima skeptically questions the actual result of the 90 trillion yen spent by the government on the covid-19 vaccines. Speaking not only as a doctor and scientist, but also as a citizen and taxpayer, he sees it as part of his duty on behalf of the nation to understand the real effect of the vaccines. He believes surprising information will be revealed from the disclosure of the documents from the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. He is also studying the pathological mechanisms of the vaccines with other experts as well as medical guidelines for the treatment of vaccine injuries.[ii]
Japanese law already stipulates compensation for the vaccine injured, so Professor Fukushima argues that it should be applied now. The Japanese vaccination law outlines the scope of benefits as follows (computer translation from their website):
Below is a transcript of a clip of the February 2023 lawsuit press conference:

Professor Fukushima: We have already started to study vaccine harms, basically in cooperation with various experts. This is the first topic. So, we will find out later on what happens after vaccination as a mechanism, i.e., as a pathological and cytological process. Around April last year, the pathology and forensic societies have already issued statements that, in the future, autopsies should be done on people who have died after vaccination. In the future, we need to urgently establish guidelines on what kind of medical treatment should be provided for victims injured by vaccines, and we need to develop diagnostic techniques. Given the situation, we will carry out these tasks.
One more thing. Pathological autopsies have already been conducted on people who died after receiving the vaccine. However, the Health Ministry is still unwilling to acknowledge the causal link between the vaccine and the deaths. If the Health Ministry maintains this unjustified position, we intend to file additional lawsuits in consultation with our lawyers. We demand that the Health Ministry provides appropriate victim compensation based on the vaccination law. In other words, victim compensation based on the Vaccination Law is properly stipulated by Japanese law. So, it is not necessary to create a new law to compensate for the vaccine harm. Scientists like us are taking responsible actions in every respect to ensure that the vaccine victims are compensated.
Journalist: Let me ask you a few questions. In your editorial, Professor Fukushima, you wrote two strong statements to all healthcare workers: a warning about the safety of vaccines and a request to stop vaccinations. For example, medical societies are flooded with case reports of various diseases in addition to myocarditis and shingles all over Japan. A huge number of case reports, more than 300 reports by medical experts have been released all over Japan. I consider that this is an extraordinary alarming situation. What is your message to the medical professionals?
Professor Fukushima: I want to say one thing very clearly to the Health Ministry in addition to the medical professionals. They should distribute a Vaccination Victim’s Handbook to everyone who has been vaccinated. The Vaccination Victim’s Handbook is similar to the Atomic Bomb Victim’s Handbook which is distributed to survivors of the atomic bombs. After distributing the Vaccination Victim’s handbook to vaccinated people, medical institutions should be encouraged to properly follow up with the vaccinated people. It is necessary to examine whether there is a link between the disease and the vaccine. Biopsy tests should be performed on sick people suspected of vaccine induced illness.
A different clip with English subtitles can be found here:
[i] https://twitter.com/ShortShort_News/status/1622224704064098304
[ii] https://youtube.com/watch?v=GCPaPaAEP4g 【公式】2023.2.2福島雅典教授、厚労省に対する訴訟記者会見ハイライト (English with Japanese subtitles). Full press conference in Japanese available at https://nicovideo.jp/watch/so41730996
Fantastic news. Shared on Gettr.
I lived in Japan for 3 years and this is remarkable challenge to authority.
I so truely hope for a snowball effect...